Gaps New Test

happen  furious  Die  spoil  live  execution  knowing

wit  pleasant  Declare  wretch  unpleasant  expire  cause

Once upon a time, there was a  King who was very fond of (a) —  his future from the
astrologers. A famous astrologer (b)  —  to stop at his capital on his way to Benaras.
The  King  called  on  him  to  know  about  his  future  and  the  astrologer  told  him
something (c)  —  . At this the King got (d)  —  and condemned him to (e)  —  saying,
"Men like you should not live to (f)  —  the peace of the world". But another thought I
had crossed his mind before the  astrologer was removed for (g)  —. "How long will
you live?" asked the King. With ready (h) — the astrologer said, "The stars (i) — that
I shall die only a week before  your majesty. So, good bye." Hearing this, the King
turned pale like a dead  man and shouted, "Drive this (j)  —  away, let him not come
here again."
a.knowing b.happen c.unpleasant d.furious e.death f.spoil g.execution h.wit i.declare j.wretch

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