1.The general, addressing his mutinous troops said, “You have brought disgrace
upon a famous regiment. If you had grievances, why did you not lay them before your
own officers? Now you must first suffer punishment for your offence, before your complaints can be heard.”
The general told his mutinous troops that they had brought disgrace upon a
famous regiment. If they had grievances, why had they not laid them before their own
officers? Now they must suffer punishment for their offence before their complaints
could be heard.
The driver exclaimed with an oath that nobody could have foreseen such ill-
luck. But for the accident they would have caught the train easily.
Mobarak asked Linkon if he (L) had ever been to Cox's Bazar. Linkon replied in the negative and said that he (L) had never gone there. But he (L) added that he longed for visiting the place. Then Mobarak said that he had had an opportunity to visit the sea-beach the previous year. Mobarak also exclaimed with surprise that the scenery was very charming.
Della asked Madam if she would buy her hair. Madam replied that she bought hair. Then Madam told her to take her hat off and suggested that they should have a sight at the looks of it. Madam proposed/ whished to give twenty dollars. Della requested her (Madam) to give it to her quickly.
Addressing Jim as darling Della cried and forbade him to look at her that way. Then she said that she had her hair cut off and sold that because she could not have lived through Christmas without giving him a present. She also said that she just had to do that and told Jim to say Merry Christmas and proposed that they should be happy.