Homepreposition-test Disappointed at-Fire at:Preposition Test 8 byiffat -11:25 AM My brother Jerry is expert (a) in English.He is earnest (b) in his English lessons.He enlisted (c) in an English exam.I had no doubt (d) of his success.He was eligible (e) for a good result.But when he emerged (f) from the exam hall,he was not happy.I enquired (g) about/of his exam.He said the exam was not (h) in favor (i) to him.His excuse (j) for the exam was that he had been exhausted (k) with hard work for some days.Now he feared (l) for the result.I still had faith (m) in him.He was famous (n) for good results.So I disagreed with him and told him it would end (o) in good result.I expected a good result (p) from my brother.I was even prepared to exult (q) over his result.But when he came back,he was disappointed (r) with result.I guess there is an exception (s) for everything.Due (t) to hard work before exam,his result came unsatisfactory. Tags preposition-test Facebook Twitter Share:Disappointed at-Fire at:Preposition Test 8 Facebook Twitter WhatsApp Pinterest LinkedIn Reddit Tumblr Telegram Email